Monday, November 19, 2012



My name is Dhiya Sholiha, and i will definitely find a way to watch 5 cm!

Perang Kejiwaan

Perang Kejiwaan, in my definition Perang Kejiwaan is something that happen in a war, it happen when you want to destroy your opponent spirit, mental, and grew fear, and hesitation.
Perang Kejiwaan usually includes the art of communication, anthropology, and any social thing, that i didn't mention now. 
Perang Kejiwaan also include an action to grew fears, as an example, in some war that happen when the war is about to begin, they make sound from genderang first, the greater the sound, their opponent's fear is also bigger.  
That's all from me, sorry the half indonesian, and also for the title :)
May God bless you wherever you are
Sincerely, Dhiya

Sunday, November 18, 2012

tau ga?

maaf spamming.

BTW ini link-nya
click here

yasudah, ituu aja sih
Best Regards, Dhiya


Harga diri men. every single person i've knew is getting better and better, they've been increase much since the last time i've met them all. so why don't you? why don't me? 

Thursday, November 15, 2012

i must have been very very blessed today

aren't i?


Rehan. Kelas 6 rambut baru dicukur.
2 on 2 sama saya seri anaknya baiiiiiiiiiiik
banget, ganteng lagi. Anaknya Bapak Kemuridan.
Sekolah di SD Cinta Marga Jalan Cagak
Katanya Pinter, banyak Fansnya, senyumnya...  *fainted*

Wednesday, November 14, 2012


Aftermath, GOR As Syifa Putra Subang Jabar 

Saturday, November 3, 2012

november remuk

Aloha amigos~
And welcome November! Bulan ini bulan November, bulan November, saya ulangi bulan November, and now, the November Remuk is officially begin!
okeh, kenapa bulan november ini dibilang november remuk? soalnya katanya bapaknya bulan ini ada 4x tanding, tiap minggu 1, the good news is, in four opponent one was already defeated today so~ Alhamdulillah ^_^
and the bad news is we have to stay focus until the last day in november because there are three more opponent in front of us, so pray for ABS yaaah :DD

oiya, bulan ini *nangisdarah* sepertinya ga bisa pulang. harus nunggu bulan desember, entah gimana entar nasib dompet yang memang sudah tipis dari sana nya *meringis*
betewe bulan ini juga banyak hal-hal baru, Mr. joseph immortal (bukan nama sebenarnya) mulai memasarkan bebek-bebeknya yang udah berkali-kali kena kutuk anak IPS lantaran suka rebutan hasil makanan hadiah juara kebersihan kelas (yap, social class is n-e-a-t)
apalagi ya -,- jadi lupa euy
udah aja ah lupa daaagh~