Friday, April 20, 2012

my precious present

I've got a present from my beloved, endearing friend! i think it's cute! and cool like me~
aaah~ i really love this..
i really want to make things like this but i can't, because i can't -_-" soo anyone? can you teach me? :p
btw this is imel's present :)

check this out!

back to reality

kenapa? karena mau yeah man back to reality
kembali ke rutinitas, kalo merunut te teorinya mbak Trinity, ada teori post-holiday syndrome, katanya kalo kembali ke rutinitas itu emang bikin stres, sedih, cuek, bego, pelupa, katanya sih gitu
tapi yasudahlah, saya kesana untuk menuntut ilmu, kalo dibawa yg laen seteres juga pasti ujung-ujungnya, kan innamal a'malu bin niat.
Bismillah kita pasti bisa!

the 16 years gate (+1day)

yah, here i am, in the start line of 16 years gate. next year i have to make my own identity card (yeay!)
and my 16 should be better than my 15, should be more awesome than 15, should be more strong than 15, should be more 16 than 15, and anyway.. barakallah fi umrik

Thank you for Allah, who has give me 16 years to live, learn, and pray
Thank you for my families who has give me their best in this 16 years

Thank you for coronence crews, Mr.Adit, Mami, Kak Icha, and some people from montana
thank you for the third-G in Assyifa, who help me how to be strong
Thank you for  you guys who already give me much do'a, i hope for the best for you guys either
and last but not least
Thank you for my beloved world.

Regards, Dhiya

Monday, April 16, 2012


di lapangan siapapun yang bertanding pasti pernah sekali atau dua kali merasa malu. tidak ada atlet yang tidak pernah dikalahkan, hanya saja, atlet yang hebat adalah mereka yang mencoba membayar semua kekalahan dengan berdiri tegak dan latihan keras, atlet biasa adalah mereka yang terlambat bangkit kembali, atlet yang gagal adalah mereka yang sampai kapanpun hanya terus berdiri di pojok lapangan. -eyeshield21

Things to do!
 yeah man, back to reality 
  1. packing for tomorrow
  2. search articles for the english assignment
  3. sleep
  4. cooking somethin'
  5. studying chems & physiccs
  6. stay at home--resting
  7. doing absolutely ridiculous  homework
  8. buying things
  9. helping mama
  10. go to old city
  11. bloggin'
  12. tumblrin'
  13. searching some money
  14. went back to assyifa
  15. wait for the next holiday


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