Thursday, November 28, 2013

a letter to a friend

In the middle-flat point of my life, i wrote this letter to you. as you know, we were used to be not like this. this distance annoys me actually, but to tell the truth i don't know which part should i fix, i'm clueless now, forever, if nobody told me.
after this 17th years, some bad thoughts haunting me around, about anything, including you. as i grow a day older, my bad thoughts were also grow bigger, darker, thicker like i couldnt even breath normally there. then now it's the third times i sang somebody i used to know. it gives a heartache for me, wondering until when time will keep this up, i don't want to think about future without your presence.
i really don't know which part should i fix, i don't know what is my fault, but the fact we're facing is, we're gonna be apart soon. 
i am an introverted, i respect my and your space, but we're on the different galaxies, i don't feel like i want to crush my galaxies on yours, but i think you can say hi, or better just a thin smile.
but overall, if you ever need help, tell me, i'll help everything i can. 
i'm confused, what thing should i tell you through this letter, so as a result, this is really an absurd letter, i think you wont recognize. i'm sorry my words is just pathetic and cliche. sorry i dont understand you as the other does. 
i hope you can forgive and accept my apology.
May God bless you, and protect you.



Wednesday, November 27, 2013


Buku sakral udah sampe jilid 7! HOREEEEEEE


Basically, it's not like i'm intended to do it. i just need some break-routine so i thought i can do it. but then when i decided to have enough, people are like do it again and again and again, they enjoyed, and they dont move.

Instagram, Path, twit....

sekarang, yang namanya social media udah jadi semacam nge trend, nope, mewabah, eh kayaknya ada kata yang lebih enak, cuman ya itu deh. gara-gara pas facebook sama twitter booming, jadi sekarang social media jadi macem-macem, bbm, whatsapp, line, path, instagram, apalah segala macam. dulu inget banget tuh disela-sela membombardirnya facebook sama twitter, ada plurk, cuman sekarang gatau masih ada apa kaga. Secara nggak langsung sih saya termasuk yang cepet lelah ngikutin perkembangan social media yang ada, makin lama makin nggak karuan, plus, gaptek gini, jadi wassalam.

bagus sih, dari satu sisi sekarang ngiklan juga ga perlu-perlu banget bayar mahal, bisa lewat twitter, berita juga gampang dapet, bahkan lokasi orang sekarang detik ini juga bisa tau. cuman kok saya ngerasanya semacam nggak punya real life dan privasi gitu ya.

klasik sih, socmed dan hp tuh menjauhkan yang dekat dan mendekatkan yang jauh, in the same time. sering banget pas lagi jalan, kalo udah bawa HP berinternet, oyeh, pada nunduk-senyum-senyum-nunduk lagi. mungkin dokter syaraf dan tulang jam sekarang ini menjadi lebih diperlukan. kadang kesel juga sih pas jalan sama orang yang kerjaanya nunduk-semyum-nunduk pengen neriakin "WOYY GO GET A REAL LIFE"


mungkin ntar ada suatu waktu yang dimana orang udah terlalu addict sama socmed nya, dan lupa, hidup mereka sebenernya kayak apa, akhirnya mereka berakhir kayak yang cerita yang di goa plato, cuma tau kesenangan semu, dan nggak tau makna hidup sebenernya ngapain.