Saturday, March 12, 2011

Memento For Me

Hai there Bloggie, we meet again.
sekarang aku cuma mau cerita sedikit, maafkan orang ganteng yang 1 ini, selain karena faktor waktu, aku juga males dan writeless hehe.
okay to the point, saya cuma mau nulis maksud dari Memento For Me

menurut kamus oxford yang learner's pocket dictionary

memento : things that you keep to remind you of a person or place.

That's what i write in this Blog, stories about people around me, and places that i visit. And actually my feels at the moments,  i think that count :d *grin*

maybe just that for now
Be Happy! Fight! keep spirit!
Don't you dare to stop here! moving on! you can do it! Go! (?)

Regards, Dhiya

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