Sunday, April 10, 2011


actually, i just want to write some activities i had this day, since my goal was writing 19 posts until last day in this year april's
soo just scroll down then.
Today, today, today
first after wake up and pray i have some sleep again. because i do love sleeping and i am so sleepy at that time. then after hear my motha yelling i was *spontaneously* wake up and open the laptop and start the ritual.. (open social networking and blog and also comics) oh i forget, at 9.30 i have some activities at Depok. but at 9 am i was still stick my butt at the chair and stick my face to the laptop and keep reading comics until 9.15 ha-ha i admit, i was not in the good mood this day to do some activities like that, not because it was boring, just because the weather is support me to sleep more. :p soooo hot. sooo many crowd in this sunday mid morning (what the hell is that?!) i mean, 9 am is still morning-time right? why the weather is change so dramatically. ouch.
i'm sorry for the language.
ok, let's skipping. after take a bath etc i was ready to go. but my heart stay at this chair, front my laptop.  beside a glass of water. oh my, i must be strong. and then i'm leaving.
Man, i hate sunday! i don't even know why people like sunday so much! ckk mentioning this sunday-morning-market it's just so crowd, full of people. i hate crowds. ok, skip
after finishing my activities i went to some shop in pejaten. i have an appointment with my mother. and then i went home and bla bla bla and then i was here, writing this ha-ha. ok, i am sorry. i'm a bit confused thinking words for this story. hehe.

ok, i'm done. i've got some tests tomorrow morning, i have to prepare it properly. (mangstab)
ahahaha kidding, i've never prepare things properly, just so you know. even though i was a perfectionist but i'm not very good at preparing something. :) okey i'm done i'm done
Dhiya *the Awwesome*

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